Sunday, September 27, 2009

the idea

Last year I had the pleasure of attending a cooking class at the home of architect Maria Grey in Chelsea. The class was lead by Dages Keats, a holistic health counselor and cook. It was there that I began my love affair with kale. A gorgeous leafy green that I had always thought too tough to eat. Dages taught us how to cook the kale in a way that was delicious and inspiring. After the class on my way back to the subway, I couldn't help but think that she should be on television, inspiring the masses to eat healthy and tastily! 
Thus the idea for my project was born. A webisode series starring Dages Keats, that looks at different vegetables and teaches the wonder of eating healthy, locally, and tastily!
The title of the program Delicious Dialogues is taken from Dages's website/newsletter of the same name.


  1. What a great idea! Nora would totally TiVo this show if it were on TV :) So would I.

  2. Sound cool. You will do fine. Have no fear. I think JJ Kale, Shelly, Keats, and Byron would be a better theme.
