Saturday, December 12, 2009

making a website

I don't know what it is about making a website that gets me so excited! I have never been so pleased with myself. When ever I click the "put" button and then check the interweb and see my design live I freak out! 
So far I understand almost half of what I'm doing. It's sinking in the more I try, but the process is slow. I still don't really know what's going on over in the html box. Thank goodness that I don't really need to know to make.
I need to figure out a couple of simple things. The blank black page being one of them. So simple yet, I so don't remember.

1 comment:

  1. its not so simple to create your website but also its not too tough.. hope you will create a best website... keep updating and posting,,
    Ecommerce solutions
