Monday, October 5, 2009


It really was too good to be true. But ah, such is life. I was floating on a little cloud of joy this evening after meeting with Michael and Maria, so happy that I have such beautiful people to work with, thrilled at the direction the kitchen styling is going, and then the inevitable happened. My DP called and told me that he got a paid gig for this weekend. It had occurred to me that this could happen. I even thought to check out a back up camera for the weekend, just in case. That still doesn't help my absolute terror of ruining the shoot with my shoddy abilities. I called a friend to see if he could help and he was busy, and he pointed out that I am a student, and that this is my first student film, and that all first student films suck, and as much as I see the logic in this line of thinking it doesn't make me feel any better. I really wanted this to look AMAZING, and I'm worried that I'm going to ruin it and let everyone who is so generously offering their time, down.
I'm sad. BUT the show must go on.
I called my gaffer Brian to see how he felt about helping me with the camera stuff, and he was very positive and offered to see if his friend was available to be an extra set of hands.
I am now also freaked out about the audio. We were going to use the DP's wireless lavaliers and now I have to use the ones from school. They have a long wire that connects to the camera. UGH.
On the bright side, I'm trying to stay positive, is that John is going to come look at the location with me and help me map out the shoot. 
I'm sure that my Professor will be thrilled at this tragedy, now I'm not "cheating" by getting a professional to help out. 
I hope I feel better about this soon. Right now I'm flat out terrified. 


  1. You are so brave and have taken on much bigger and scarier things than this! You will be just fine!

  2. Lani said, "Okay - so I couldn't figure how to sign in without using anonymous"
