Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have never been that great at budgeting money. Spending, no problem, saving, forget about it (unless there's a plane ticket involved, and even then it's tough.)I saved two weeks of unemployment mixed with some fin aid that came to around $500. 
So budgeting, you know planning everything out before, is a hard concept for me to grasp, especially when it's my own dough. I'm pretty sure that budgeting is one of the producer's many jobs, so I have a lot to learn in that department.
So far this is what I have spent, and what I project to spend.

Makeup: $34.00
(these two items may get returned after the shoot)
Craft Services: $34.00-spent $30.00-more projected
Lighting: $80.00 Rifa Light Light bulbs and Gaff Tape $17.50
YumYoga Dinner for 2( research for me, consulting thank you to my ex-DP) $90.00
Produce and Food for Props: $150
Transportation: $60
Set Dressing: $60

Now to add it up...I hate this part.....$208.00 Spent  $380 projected
For a grand total of: $588, $88 over budget

In the great scheme of things that's not SO bad. I'm good at eating lentils.
And Kale is CHEAP:)

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